200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh India
200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh India
Study at a Special Yoga School with 4th Generations of Yoga Heritage
Why Choose Shiva Tattva Yoga School Rishikesh?

Reputed School
12000+ Yoga teachers certified since 2008

Worldwide Accredited
Accredited with Yoga Alliance and many others

Top Ratings
5-star ratings on Facebook, Google, TripAdvisor

Professional school for serious learning

Expert Teacher
12000+ Yoga teachers certified since 2008

Own Ashrams
Accredited with Yoga Alliance and many others
Yoga Retreats in Rishikesh,India
Year | Jan | Feb | March | April | May | June | July | Aug | Sept | Oct | Nov | Dec |
2023 | Closed | Closed | Closed | Closed | Closed | Closed | Closed | Closed | Closed | Closed | Closed | Closed |
2024 | 200 YTTC | 200 YTTC | 200 YTTC | 200 YTTC | 200 YTTC | 200 YTTC | 200 YTTC | 200 YTTC | 200 YTTC | 200 YTTC | 200 YTTC | 200 YTTC |

Single Room
$1550 $2099

Double Sharing
$1350 $1699
Course Date | Availability | Shared Room Fee | Single Room Fee | Apply Now |
1st Sept to 24th Sep 2024 | Available | $ 1350 USD | $ 1550 USD | Apply Now |
1st Oct to 24th Oct 2024 | Available | $ 1350 USD | $ 1550 USD | Apply Now |
1st Nov to 24th Nov 2024 | Available | $ 1350 USD | $ 1550 USD | Apply Now |
1st Dec to 24th Dec 2024 | Available | $ 1350 USD | $ 1550 USD | Apply Now |
1st Jan to 24th Jan 2025 | Available | $ 1350 USD | $ 1550 USD | Apply Now |
1st Feb to 24th Feb 2025 | Available | $ 1350 USD | $ 1550 USD | Apply Now |
1st Mar to 24th Mar 2025 | Available | $ 1350 USD | $ 1550 USD | Apply Now |
1st April to 24th April 2025 | Available | $ 1350 USD | $ 1550 USD | Apply Now |
1st May to 24th May 2025 | Available | $ 1350 USD | $ 1550 USD | Apply Now |
1st June to 24th June 2025 | Available | $ 1350 USD | $ 1550 USD | Apply Now |
1st July to 24th July 2025 | Available | $ 1350 USD | $ 1550 USD | Apply Now |
1st Aug to 24th Aug 2025 | Available | $ 1350 USD | $ 1550 USD | Apply Now |
1st Sept to 24th Sept 2025 | Available | $ 1350 USD | $ 1550 USD | Apply Now |
1st Dec to 24th Dec 2025 | Available | $ 1350 USD | $ 1550 USD | Apply Now |
Yoga School Location
Our School is 25 Km Far From From Jollygrant airport (Dehradun). you can easily reach the School by taxi from Jollygrant airport (Dehradun). We are Located located nearby Secret waterfall, and the holy river Ganges is 800 Meter far from our Location, Our Yoga School is a perfect place for practicing yoga and experiencing the yogic lifestyle.
What Are The Yoga Teacher Training Courses Like?
- Meditation courses help you improve your focus and develop your practice.
- Develop strength, flexibility, and discipline.
- Improve your physical, mental, and spiritual health by refreshing and clarifying.
- Share your joy with others by strengthening your capacity to do so.
- Utilizes ancient yogic techniques and diet to cleanse your body.
- Through our carefully designed Yoga Teacher Training Courses and retreats, we aim to promote and protect ancient yoga.
- Discover, introspect, and strengthen your spiritual connection to force

Student's Certification

What Will You Gain

84 + Hatha Yoga Asanas and Vinyasa Sequence
Anatomy and Physiology

Yoga Philosophy
Teaching Techniques and Sequencing

What’s Inside The Course
- 84 + classical Yoga asanas
- How to create a proper class environment?
- Yoga teaching tips
- Yoga class structure
- Beginner’s course structure
- Beginner and elementary yoga asana variations
- Yoga for kids
- Yoga with gentle/limited movements
- Yoga for pregnant women
- When and how should asanas be modified?
- Yoga Nidra / deep relaxation
- Eight main body systems
- Spine and its common disorders
- Difference between yoga and other physical exercises
- Injury prevention and cures
- Alignments, adjustments & modifications
- Yoga as therapy
- Diet and Nutrition
- What is Ayurveda? Yogic diet Effect of diet, nutrition, and lifestyle on body and mind Body types and suitable diets
- Aim and meaning of yoga
- Five principles of yogic practice
- Four paths of yoga
- Eight limbs of Raja Yoga
- Seven stages of awareness
- Three gunas – sattva, rajas, tamas
- Maya, prakriti, brahman, avidya
- Atman, parmataman, jiva
- Three bodies; physical, astral, spiritual
- Four inner instruments; mind, intellect, subconscious, ego
- Working of the mind
- Psychology of a teacher Psychology of a student Correction and guidance techniques Motivation techniques Communication techniques Ethical Guidelines
- Ethical guidelines for a yoga teacher
- How to set up your yoga business or yoga studio?
- How to: find a location, advertise and promote, & get renewals
- Common fallback and mistakes and how to avoid them
Worldwide Accredited Certification
In addition to providing support for yoga schools around the world, Yoga Alliance also offers support to students and teachers who wish to teach yoga. There are over 25000 yoga teachers and schools listed in Yoga Alliance’s directory that meet the globally recognized standards for training.
The yoga alliance recognizes Shiva Tattva Yoga School. RYS issues a completion certification to all yoga teachers who have completed a specific yoga teacher training course, such as 200 Hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, or 500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh. RYT-200 or RYT-500 certification qualifies them to become yoga teachers with the yoga alliance.
Your RYT 200 certification serves as an international identification of your knowledge, experience, and training, giving people confidence that you meet the Alliance’s standards.

- Nasal cleaning (Jal Neti)
- Sutra Neti (nasal cleaning with a catheter)
- The Agnisara Kriya (for digestion)
- Kriya Kapalbhati
- Tratka
- Expansion of breath is Pranayama. Our teachers training course teaches various breathing techniques, which not only relieve stress, anxiety, fatigue, but also improve blood circulation, concentration, and revitalize the body. A key technique for successful meditation is establishing a bridge between the mind and the body, as breath is the bridge between the mind and the body.
- Pranayama: An Introduction
- Pranayama has four aspects
- Koshas
- Breathing types
- Six Kumbhakas and Eight Karma
- Cleansing the frontal lobe of the brain (kapalbhati)
- Nadi Shodhan Pranayama
- Breath that stimulates vitality (Surya Bheda Pranayama)
- The Psychic Breath (Ujjayi Pranayama)
- The Bellows Breath (Bastrika Pranayama)
- Hissing Breath (Seetkari Pranayama)
- Sheetali Pranayama
- Bhramari Pranayama
- Padangusthasana
- Pada Hastasana
- Utthita Trikonasana A, B
- Utthita Parsvakonasana A,B
- Prasarita Padottanasana A,B,C,D
- Parsvottonasana
- Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana
- Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana
- Utkatasana
- Virabhadrasana I, II
- Dandasana
- Paschimottanasana A,B,C
- Purvottasana
- Ardha Baddha Padma Paschimottanasana
- Trianga Mukha Eka Pada Paschimottanasana
- Janu Sirsasana A,B,C
- Marichyasana A,B,C,D
- Navasana
- Bhujapidasana
- Kurmasana
- Supta Kurmasana
- Garbha Pindasana
- Kukkutasana
- Baddha Konasana A,B,C
- Upavista Konasana
- Supta Konasana
- Supta Padangusthasana
- Ubhaya Padangusthasana
- Urdvha Mukha Paschimottanasana
- Setu Bandhasana
- Urdvha Dhanurasana
- Paschimottanasana
- Sarvangasana
- Halasana
- Karnapidasana
- Urdvha Padmasana
- Pindasana
- Matsyasana
- Uttana Padmasana
- Sirsasana
- Baddha Padmasana
- Yoga Mudra
- Padmasana
- Utpluthih
- Shavasana
At Shiva Tattva Yoga, we have included the study of Ayurveda in our Yoga Teachers Training Courses. This ancient form of holistic healing seeks to find balance between the mind, body and soul in order to promote wellbeing. Students will gain an understanding of the five elements of the Universe and how they are interconnected with Life Forces or Energies. Our guidance can help you further enhance your lifestyle by introducing you to the principles and practices of Ayurveda, such as small adjustments to your habits and daily routine.
- History of Ayurveda
- Trigunas & Tridoshas
- 13 Agni Types of Ayurveda
- 13 Srotas Types of Ayurveda
- Saptadhatu
- Nadis & Nadi Pariksha
The word haṭha refers to a system of physical techniques that include the practice of various traditional asanas, including their benefits, modifications, contraindications, and props as well.
Hatha Yoga Syllabus
- Tadasana
- Tiryaka Tadasana
- Vrikshasana
- Utkatasana
- Katichakrasana
- Virabhadrasana I
- Trikonasana
- Ardha Chandrasana
- Virabhadrasana II
- Parsvakonasana
- Virabhadrasana III
- Padahastasana
- Garudasana
- Natrajasana
- Bakasana
- Sukhasana
- Padmasana
- Swastikasana
- Agnistambhasana
- Dandasana
- Paschimottanasana
- Purvottanasana
- Janushirsasana
- Vajrasana
- Mandukasna
- Uttan Mandukasana
- Supta Vajrasana
- Vakrasana
- Gaumukhasana
- Ushtrasana
- Balasana
- Parvatasana
- Simhagarjanasana
- Marjariasana
- Naukasana
- Saral Bhujangasana
- Bhujangasana
- Viprit Naukasana
- Dhanurasana
- Uttanpadasana
- Sarvangasana
- Viparitkarni
- Halasana
- Karnapidasana
- Pavanmuktasana
- Matsyasana
- Setubandhasana
- Chakrasana
- Shirshasana
- Shavasana
There are several types of vinyasas: flowing sequences of movements involving each asana connecting to the next. Vinyasa is a series of connected movements performed sequentially.
- Introduction of Meditation
- Techniques of Meditation
- Breathing Meditation (Stage I,II,III)
- Third Eye (Stage I,II,III)
- AUM Meditation (Stage I,II)
- Sound Meditation
- Trataka Meditation
- Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology
- Human Anatomy Planes
- Systems of Human Body
- Skeletal Systems
- Muscular Systems
- Respiratory Systems
- Digestive Systems
- Basics of Shoulder Anatomy
- Spine Anatomy
- Human Nervous Systems
- Pelvic Anatomy
- Muscles of Hip
- Positive andamp; conscious communication.
- Friendship and trust.
- Time management
- Qualities of a teacher
- Principles of demonstrating, observation, assisting, correcting.
- Use of voice in class
- Mental andamp; emotional
- preparation for teaching.
- Class preparation
- Step by step class structure planning.
- Aum Namah Shivaya
- Ganapati Mantram
- Guru Mantram #1 and #2
- Gayatri Mantram
- Shanti Mantram #1 and #2
- Maha Mrityunjaya Mantram
- Aum Asato Ma Sadgamaya
- Aum Purnamadah Purnamidam
- Patanjali Slokam
- Ashtanga Opening Mantra
- Ashtanga closing Mantra
How to Register?

Our 200-hour yoga teacher training in India has been time-tested since 2013. We guarantee you will gain a complete understanding of yoga, yogic philosophy, and teaching skills, as well as enough practical experience to teach others.

Daily Schedule
6:00 - 7:30 | Pranayama |
7:00 - 9:15 | Hatha Yoga |
9:15 - 10:00 | Breakfast Time |
11:45 - 12:00 | Alignments & Adjustment |
12:30 - 13:30 | Lunch Time |
14:00 - 15:00 | Yoha Philosophy |
15:15 - 16:15 | Yoga Anatomy |
16:30 - 18:00 | Ashtanga Vinyasa |
18:15 - 19:15 | Meditation |
19:30 - 20:30 | Dinner time |
What to Expect During the Course?

Week One
The first week you’ll learn to get used to studying 7 hours a day. You will receive authentic yoga philosophy classes and feel inspired by the philosophical stories. As a result, you will develop connections and friendships with your classmates.
Week Two

Week Three
Week Four

Our Spiritual Yoga Gurus

Our Lead Teacher

Our Accreditations
In addition to providing support for yoga schools around the world, Yoga Alliance also offers support to students and teachers who wish to teach yoga. There are over 25000 yoga teachers and schools listed in Yoga Alliance’s directory that meet the globally recognized standards for training.
The yoga alliance recognizes Shiva Tattva Yoga School. RYS issues a completion certification to all yoga teachers who have completed a specific yoga teacher training course, such as 200 Hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, or 500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh. RYT-200 or RYT-500 certification qualifies them to become yoga teachers with the yoga alliance.
Your RYT 200 certification serves as an international identification of your knowledge, experience, and training, giving people confidence that you meet the Alliance’s standards.

Get An Impression!
Shiva Tattva Yoga Is Giving Back!
Girl Education and Hunger is a charity that helps underprivileged girls in developing countries get an education and access to food. We believe that every girl deserves the opportunity to reach her full potential, and our goal is to help as many girls as possible get the education and nutrition they need to thrive.
Why Student Love Us
Pedro Jimenez2023-02-12Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google. Amazing yoga school with amazing staff and teachers. I did my 300h teacher training in 2018 with no prior yoga knowledge and they could deliver the experience my soul needed. Also, it is pretty close from Rishikesh and Lakshman Jhula bridge, so you can hike a bit and explore that beautiful town! GAHUI PARK2022-12-14Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google. I had yoga teacher training course 200h at Shiva Tattva yoga school in Nov 2022. For me it was first time in India and Rishikesh and I really had a beautiful time here. Yogi Sachin, owner of the school, he cares the students as his house guests and all his staffs treated me like a family member. The Yoga hall and the rooms are amazing. I checked many schools when I arrived in Rishikesh and here was the best. I am very proud of myself to find this treasure place. And 3 meals a day were so delicious that I gained the weight by only veggie food ;)) Yoga course is mainly Hatha Yoga. And the program is very well organised for beginners and intermediates for 200h course. Teachers were so sincere and genuine. I’ve learned so much more than I thought. And the energy and atmosphere of the place were just powerful and gave me so much insight to have my own journey. Once again I want to say that I sincerely appreciate the time and experience with all of you there. It changed my life and still I am on my journey with all I’ve leaned there. Hope to visit here again soon in my life time. Hari Om🙏😌 Martina OD2022-10-13Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google. This is with no doubt the best Ashram and Yoga school in Rishikesh 💙🙏 Jayaram Koirala2021-01-17Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google. I stayed at shiv tattva yog school for 5 days and had an amzing life changing experence .hats off to the management professional teachers and pecaeful environment . Nick Schneider2020-03-01Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google. Very quiet and clean place. I liked the relaxed atmosphere and the great location with its beautiful view. I really enjoyed doing my 200hr YTTC here and highly recommend this school! S G2020-02-02Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google. Just finished 200h course. What an amazing experience! Teachers are great, very knowledgeable and friendly. Small group size creates family atmosphere and allows you to go deeper into chosen topic. Also very happy with food and accommodation. Definitely the best location in Rishikesh! Very quiet, clean and green with beautiful views of the mountains from your room. Staff and management are excellent. Communication was very clear and my all needs and requests were met quickly and efficiently. I had a wonderful time here. Namaste Sally Marie Gardner2020-02-01Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google. I’ve had such a wonderful time here at Shiva Tattva Yoga School. The teachers, classes, food and people have all been amazing! Thank you very much! Xx Kamalika ASD2020-02-01Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google. A ben 54 anni ho deciso di fare il corso di yoga di 200 h. in India, seppur con il mio inglese stentato. È stata una delle esperienze più gratificanti della mia vita! Alla scuola Shiva Tattva ho trovato persone oneste e insegnanti qualificati pronti a dare senza risparmio. I ragazzi del gruppo da ogni parte del mondo sono Stati meravigliosi e mi hanno aiutato molto.La scuola è molto confortevole e in un'ottima posizione fuori dal centro che però si raggiunge a piedi in pochi minuti e circondata dal verde e dalle montagne. Ma qui non solo ho imparato le posizioni yoga ma soprattutto la filosofia yoga e la meditazione,, che ti cambiano la vita . Grazie di cuore Ric2020-01-28Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google. I spent 2 months in this incredible school doing the 500 hour Hatha Yoga teacher training, the location is amazing, just besides a waterfall and far from the busy streets, loved to take walks around and go explore the mountains. I highly recommend this school, the managers, teachers, chef and everybody that works there are incredibleLoad more