Anulom Vilom: Mastering The Pranayama For Optimal Health

Anulom Vilom, is a technique that involves alternate nostril breathing. It is a powerful breathing technique that has been practised in India for centuries. The practice involves inhaling and exhaling through alternate nostrils while holding the other nostril closed.
The concept of prana or life force is central to the practice of Yoga. According to yoga philosophy, prana flows through the body in a network of channels called Nadis. This pranayama balances the flow of prana in these channels of the body and promote physical and mental health.
Hence, This breathing technique, is also called Pranayama or Nadi Shodhan Pranayama. In this article, we will discuss this pranayama technique in detail.
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History of Anulom Vilom
The history of This breating technique (pranayama) belongs to ancient India. It was developed as a part of the traditional system of Yoga. Yoga is an ancient Indian practice that originated over 5000 years ago while millions of people worldwide now practise this pranayama at present.
Several ancient texts, such as the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Gheranda Samhita, and the Shiva Samhita mention this pranayama practice. These texts describe the benefits of the practice and its role in promoting physical, mental, as well as spiritual well-being.
Traditionally, yoga gurus taught this breathing technique to their disciples, and they passed down the breathing technique from generation to generation while keeping it a secret. However, in the modern era, Yoga has gained widespread popularity, and Anulom Vilom (Althernate nostril breathing) Pranayama has become one of the most widely practised breathing techniques.
Benefits of Anulom Vilom
This breathing technique offers several benefits. Some of them are as under:
1. Reduces Stress and Anxiety: Anulom Vilom Pranayama is a simple yet effective technique to reduce stress and anxiety. The practice calms the mind and induces a state of relaxation by regulating the breath.
2. Improves Lung Function: The practice involves deep breathing, which improves lung function and increases the oxygen supply to the body. This helps in boosting energy levels and reducing fatigue.
3. Enhances Brain Function: This Pranayama improves brain function by increasing the supply of oxygen and blood to the brain. And hence, it helps in improving cognitive function and memory retention.
4. Boosts Immunity: This breathing technique also boost the immune system by increasing the production of white blood cells in the body. This helps in fighting against infections and diseases.
5. Lowers Blood Pressure: The practice is also beneficial in lowering blood pressure by reducing stress levels and inducing relaxation.
Techniques & Steps to Practise Anulom Vilom
Here are the techniques and proper steps to perform Nadhishodan Pranayama:
1. Sitting Position: Sit in a comfortable cross-legged position while keeping your spine straight and your eyes closed.
2. Position of Hands: Keep your left hand onto your left knee while keeping the palm facing upward. Place the tip of your index and middle fingers of your right hand on the centre of your forehead, between your eyebrows. Your ring finger and little finger should be on your left nostril, and your thumb should be on your right nostril.
3. Breathing Technique: Close your right nostril with your thumb and inhale deeply through your left nostril. Close your left nostril with your ring finger and little finger and hold your breath for a few seconds. Release your right nostril and exhale slowly. Now Inhale using the right nostril, close it with the thumb, and hold the breath. Release your left nostril and exhale slowly. This way, one round of Anulom Vilom Pranayama is complete.
4. Duration: Repeat this process for 10-15 minutes, taking deep, slow breaths.
Features of Anulom Vilom
The practice of the Alternate nostril breathing pranayama or Nadi shodhan pranayama has some basic features such as:
1. Balance: This Pranayama helps in regulating the breath and balancing the energy flow in the body. So, creating balance is one of the most important features of Anulom Vilom.
2. Cleansing: The other important feature is cleansing. This Pranayama is also quite beneficil in cleansing the Nadis or energy channels in the body. The practice helps in removing toxins and impurities from the body as well as promoting overall health.
3. Relaxation: This nadi shodhan Pranayama induces a state of relaxation and calmness, so relaxation is also one of the basic features of this breathing techique.
Precautions while practising Anulom Vilom
1. Avoid practising this Pranayama if you have a blocked nose or any nasal or sinus-related problems.
2. Pregnant women should avoid holding their breath while practising this breathing technique.
3. If you have any respiratory or heart-related problems, consult your doctor before practising this Pranayama.
4. Do not force the breath, and practise the technique at your own pace.
Expectation from an Anulom Vilom Class
In a general Anulom Vilom class we may expect that the class may start with some warm-up exercises or stretches to prepare our body and mind and then the instructor will guide us through the proper technique of the pranayama, including how to sit comfortably, how to breathe in and out through alternate nostrils, and how to focus our attention on our breath.
The practice may last usually for several rounds of breath. The instructor may adjust our posture or breathing technique to ensure that we are doing it correctly. The instructor may also discuss the benefits of this practice.
Then finally, the class may end with some gentle stretches or relaxation exercises to help us fully relax and integrate the benefits of the practice.
Anulom Vilom Pranayama is a simple yet effective breathing technique that has numerous physical and mental health benefits. The practice helps in reducing stress and anxiety, improving lung function, enhancing brain function, boosting immunity, as well as it lowers the blood pressure also. By practising this Althernate Nostril Breathing Pranayama regularly, one can experience improved overall health and well-being. However, it is important to take necessary precautions while practising the technique and consult a doctor if you have any health concerns.
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